Eating Disorders Therapy Wagga

Eating Disorders Therapy Wagga, Australia

Our aim is to help those who are suffering from eating disorders find hope and healing.

Here at Eating Disorders Therapy Wagga we believe that the mind, soul, body and spirit are all one, we take a person centered approach and view the problem in a holistic way and empower the client to have mastery over their thoughts and behaviours in a safe non judgemental environment, we treat the whole person not just the “problem”. We use a variety of interventions to assist the client get their life back from the “slavery” of an eating disorder. Do not suffer in silence, contact us today.

Eating disorders therapy

Learn about the different treatments that are available for eating disorders.

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“Recovery is possible. It may be a difficult journey, but it’s worth it to live a life free from the chains of an eating disorder.” – Karen Koenig

“You are not alone in your struggle. Recovery is possible and to have a life free from this slave master”

Contact us to find out more.


Eating disorders do not discriminate.

Disorder eating, compulsive negative thoughts and disordered body image can affect anyone regardless of gender, age, race, or socioeconomic status.

WHY are SOME clients susceptible to Eating disorders?

We do not know why some develop an eating disorder while others do not, what we do know is; children and young people are often susceptible to eating disorders if there has been disruption in the family unit, trauma, childhood abuse; including sexual abuse, and issues around low self esteem and lack of control.


Eating disorders often have been developed over a period of time, often in secret and in silence, it is a silent disease, before it is discovered. Once parents, carers, loved ones discover the eating disorder, it has often been fully entrenched in the suffers psyche, that is why it is important to seek professional help immediately. In my experience, eating disorders generally do not just go away on their own.

Eating disorders are often defined as, restrictive eating, not eating, binge eating, overeating followed by vomiting or excessive exercise, the suffer is tormented by thoughts that they will get “fat” and be “out of control” if they eat or eat too much “bad” food or if they do not exercise or vomit to a “certain standard”. It is a compulsion with intrusive thoughts and can have an element of OCD pattern of rituals in thoughts and deeds, doing rituals/habits over and over so can feel better or get back perceived control.

Eating disorders can have the potential to be harmful on many levels. This may be as a result of the severe physical effects on the body from restrictive eating, binge eating and vomiting over a long period of time and can effect the functioning of the brain, and the overall health and the emotional state of the client.

teenage girl

Eating disorders are “slave masters” that can be difficult to overcome on your own. We are here to help.

While the road to recovery may be challenging, therapy has been proven to be an effective treatment for those struggling with an eating disorder.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

EMDR therapy is a type of information processing system that helps people to process traumatic memories and overcome negative thoughts and beliefs. It involves recalling distressing events while undergoing rapid eye movement stimulation, such as following a light or the therapist’s finger. This rapid eye movement has been shown to activate the brain’s natural healing processes, allowing individuals to process and integrate traumatic experiences/memories in a less negative manner and integrates the traumatic event better and assists in “fading” vivid flashbacks and highly intrusive memories and thoughts.

EMDR therapy can also be used to address the underlying emotional issues that contribute to disordered eating. For example, individuals may use food to cope with anxiety or depression. By identifying and processing the underlying emotions, individuals can learn healthier coping mechanisms and this can assist in break the cycle of disordered eating.


We offer Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that aims to help individuals identify and change negative or unhelpful thought patterns and behaviours. It is based on the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are interconnected and that challenging any one of these unhelpful irrational thoughts can lead to improvements.

Trauma-informed therapy can be an effective approach to treating eating disorders, helping individuals to address the root causes of their disordered eating and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Trauma-informed therapy is an approach to therapy that recognises the pervasive impact of trauma on mental health and well-being. It involves creating a safe, supportive, and empowering therapeutic environment that prioritises the needs and experiences of the individual. Trauma-informed therapy aims to help individuals understand the impact of trauma on their lives and develop strategies to cope with its effects.

Trauma-informed therapy can also help individuals to develop healthier coping mechanisms for dealing with the emotional and psychological effects of trauma. This can include learning techniques for managing anxiety, stress, and other emotions without resorting to disordered eating behaviours.


We offer DBT Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a type of therapy that has shown promising results in the treatment of many mental health conditions. DBT is a skills-based therapy that focuses on helping individuals develop skills to manage their emotions, improve their relationships, and to view interactions with others and self in a more rational way, it also gives the client skills to self soothe when distressed without using unhelpful coping mechanisms such as self harm or restrictive eating.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a relatively new form of psychotherapy that has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of mental health conditions, including eating disorders. ACT is a mindfulness-based approach that helps individuals accept their thoughts and feelings, rather than trying to control or avoid them. It also helps individuals identify their values and commit to behaviors that are consistent with those values.

One of the key principles of ACT is psychological flexibility, which involves being open and willing to experience a range of thoughts and emotions, while also committing to actions that align with one’s values. This approach can be particularly helpful for individuals with eating disorders, who often struggle with rigid thinking and behaviours related to food and body image.